Schrubby Everlasting extract: Schrubby everlasting extract is rich in oligosaccharides. It stimulates the synthesis of periostin, a regenerative extracellular matrix protein whose synthesis slows down over time. It thus regenerates the structure of collagen fibers and improves dermal matrix density. The skin regains its firmness and tone, reducing face sagging and the appearance of wrinkles. The contours of the face are redefined and enhanced.
Marine exopolysaccharide from the Iroise Sea: This active ingredient is secreted by a planktonic microorganism found in the Iroise Sea. It stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis to improve skin’s firmness and elasticity. It also has a tightening effect on the network of collagen fibers for an immediate, long-lasting lifting effect (starting after 15 minutes). The skin is smoother and wrinkles are filled.
Red Algae and Tara Fruit extract Complex: This complex consists of a warm water red seaweed found in Indonesia and off the coast of the Philippines and a Tara fruit extract viewed in South America as the “green gold of the Incas”. With its interwoven network of natural biopolymers, this complex has remarkable biomechanical and film-forming properties. It forms a strong, flexible and non-occlusive invisible grid on the skin, mimicking its qualities and functions. Furthermore, it has strong lifting properties which help improve the skin’s micro-surface for an immediate tightening, replenishing and lifting effect, while significantly limiting the appearance of wrinkles.
Black Crowberry plant juice: Black crowberry is a shrub native to Lapland whose berries are rich in polyphenols, molecules with significant antioxidant properties. Black crowberry juice slows down the skin’s aging process by limiting the activity of elastase and collagenase, the enzymes that cause elastin and collagen to deteriorate. In this way, this ingredient improves skin tone and firmness.
Rye Extract: Obtained from rye seed, this extract helps firm and smooth the cutaneous tissue, tighten the skin and increase its tone. It stimulates the synthesis of retractable components (fibers that can retract like fibroblasts) generating tension forces essential for regulating the dermis’s mechanical resistance. It thus tightens the fibrous network, thereby restoring the skin’s “bounce.” It has a long-lasting firming effect.